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 PVD zirconium (Zr)
 PVD titanium (Ti)
 PVD chromium (Cr)
 PVD Black Titanium (TiC)
 PVD titanium aluminium (TiAl)
 PVD nickel (Ni)

Ningbo Beilun District Xuming Vacuum Ion Plating Factory
Add:Zhejiang Ningbo Beilun Xin Qi Calculates
Website: www.xuming-pvd.com

E-mail: xum@xuming-pvd.com

  Location:Home > Coating

PVD zirconium (Zr)

      Zirconium mainly in the processing of light yellow. Color similar to the electrophoretic
paint, compared with the aesthetic point of view of people in America and Europe, strong
corrosion resistance, smooth surface and good ductility.


     Making appearance: bright copper (PB) color map
     Making the film thickness: 0.1-2um
     Making Vivtorinox hardness: 1700-2100HV
     The coefficient of friction making: 0.5

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